Tuesday, 26 January 2016


From The Desk Of  Frank Kern

Dear Friend,

Thank you very much for investing your money, confidence, and time in this course.

I’ve done my best to keep this as simple and concise as possible…eliminating all fluff and leaving only real useable information that will get you results fast.

If you follow the steps that I outline for you, there is no question that you can have a profitable Internet Info business of your own in a very short time.

So, without further ado…let’s get started. Sincerely,

Frank Kern

Part 1: An Introduction To The Most Profitable Business In The World

The most profitable business in the world is selling information. And by “information” I don’t mean just books. I’m talking about selling books, reports, videos, or software.

Or to be more specific…selling downloadable books, videos, or software on the Internet.

Here are some of the key benefits of selling downloadable information products online:

1.    You don’t have to stock or ship any inventory. (Before I “saw the light” about selling downloadable products, I sold books and tapes that were delivered through the mail. We had to dedicate an entire room of our house to stocking inventory…and we were always making last minute rush trips to the post office in order to meet shipping deadlines. This is not fun.)

2.    You don’t have to do anything when the product is sold. If you set up your business correctly (I’ll show you how in the videos) then your products are delivered automatically right after someone buys. You can actually live the “Internet fantasy” of making money in your sleep.

3.    You do the work once and get paid over and over. Heck, you don’t even have to do the initial work if you don’t want to.
In the videos that come with this course, I’ll show you how to get other people to make your products for you.

4.    Each sale is pure profit. Since you’re selling a downloadable product, you have no “hard cost”…so every sale is mostly “gravy”. In fact, the only money you “pay” is the cost of accepting credit cards…and this only happens when you make a sale.

5.    Information has an infinite value if presented to the right market. Here’s what I mean. Let’s say you’re in a dorm room full of single college kids.

They’re all boys and none of them have had a date in months due to constant studying. You have in your pocket the home address and telephone number of none other than the world famous super model, Cindy Crawford.

Her address and phone number are written in faint pencil on a wadded up cocktail napkin. The napkin is still stained from where you used it to clean up spilled tea during lunch.

How much is that dirty, wadded up napkin worth? Nothing. How much is Cindy’s home number and address worth to a girl-crazed college kid who’s been stuck in a dorm room for the past month? I think you could name your price.

The point is that information, no matter how it’s delivered, is priceless when you’re presenting it to the right audience…or market.

Here’s another example:

Let’s say you discovered the cure for baldness. And all it turned out to be was a simple mixture of vegetable juices and vitamins….but it really worked and it worked fast.

So how much do you think this “recipe” is worth to a crowd of vain and balding men?

Will it be worth any more if it’s printed on the finest of linen paper? No.

Will it be worth any less if it’s scrawled by a child on your kitchen wall? Nope.

It’s the information itself that’s priceless. Or more specifically… it’s the end result that having the information can give to your customer.

Think about it…the bald men aren’t buying a recipe to cure baldness. They’re buying more hair. That’s the end result.

In the two examples I gave you, we had extraordinary “dream products”. In reality, it’s very unlikely that we’re going to end up with Cindy Crawford’s address and phone number. (And even if we did, it would be awfully inconsiderate to sell it.)

And we’re most likely not going to discover an easy recipe that’ll cure baldness. (Sorry fellas…)

The good news is that none of that really matters. In fact, we don’t have to think of our own information products at all. In fact, it’s almost counter productive to do so.

All we have to do is let the market tell us what they want…and give it to them.

So, the question is (or should be) “How do we find out what the market wants?”

Good question. Glad you asked. This is your first step…do it before you make a product. In fact don’t even think of a product before you read this next section.

Know Your Market First

STOP! Before you even think of creating a product, you must read this section!

The first step in making tons of money on the Internet is to know WHO you are selling to and find out what they want. Then just give it to them.

Your product is secondary to the market. Give people what they want and you’ll always make money.

This is so much easier than coming up with a product and then trying to “shove it down peoples’ throats”.

Example: If you live in a community where people only eat Chinese food, your hot dog stand will fail… even if you have the best hot dogs in the world. (They don’t want hot dogs.)

Example: If you are selling directions to the nearest well and you’re surrounded by hundreds of very thirsty people, you’ll be flooded with customers.

Internet Example: If 65,000 people search for the word “parrot” on the Internet every month and you show them your web site which sells a course about teaching parrots how to talk, then you’ll have an easy time making sales.

So, instead of placing your focus on “what’s the ideal product?” spend your time looking for an ideal market. Look for a large group of people who are seeking information on a certain topic. This is your ideal market.

Once you find the ideal market, ask them what they want and give it to them. As simple as it sounds, this is the “magic formula”.

Selling a product to an ideal market that has told you that they want the very product you’re selling is like standing in front of a big wave hoping to get wet.  Pretty easy.

Here’s where we’re going to really pick up the pace and get into the very mechanics of putting your Internet Info business together.

Let’s go now to the next section and find out exactly what to look for in an ideal market. (Hint: they’re all around you. In fact, you’re probably part of one.)

The three “must have” characteristics of an ideal market.

When you’re looking for a group of people to sell to, they need to have these three “must have” qualities:

1.    Irrational passion about a certain hobby, problem, or topic. You want these people to be willing to spend any amount of money to fuel their passion and desire. For example, many golfers will buy every single golf gizmo in the world if they think it’ll take a point off their score. Some balding men will spend thousands to get their hair back.
2.    They must have money. There is no point in selling to people who can’t buy. A car nut who is broke cannot buy your Ferrari no matter how much he loves it.
3.    They must be great in number and easily reached. If you only have a few people to sell to, or you cannot find

an easy way to market to them then your business will dry up.

When you find a group like this and you offer them something that satisfies their passion and desire…making sales is relatively easy.

Even if your web site isn’t perfect, even if your sales letter isn’t perfect, and even if you have typos everywhere…you’ll still make sales if you’re selling something that an ideal market wants.

Think about it this way:

If you were on fire, chances are you’d buy a bucket of water from just about anybody. Even if he was dressed like a bum, smelled bad, and had the rustiest bucket you’d ever seen.

Two easy offline ways to find an ideal market before lunchtime tomorrow.

There are plenty of great places to find a hungry market. Here are two offline methods you can use:

Your local bookstore. Go to your local book store and head to the magazine section. Look for targeted publications for a certain niche.  You’re looking for magazines for people who are passionate about something. For example, Bird Talk magazine is for people who love birds. Cat Fancy magazine is for people who love cats.  Soldier of  Fortune magazine is for people who love guns and related things. Bass Fishing magazine is for people who like to fish for Bass.

Once you find some of these magazines, look at the ads. See what types of products are being advertised the most. Get a general feel for the market by reading the articles. Constantly be asking the question, “what do these people want more than anything?”

If you feel like you’re getting hot in terms of closing in on a market, order some back issues of the magazine and see which ads are being published on a consistent basis. These are the products that are selling and are therefore the products that the market wants.  These are the products that are selling.

Clubs and Organizations: Look in your newspaper’s classified section for clubs and organizations. Most papers publish a list of local clubs that people can join based on their interest. For example, there are clubs for gardeners, clubs for BMW drivers, clubs for dog lovers, clubs for people who have addictions, clubs for people of various religions, and many more.

Browse through these listings and see if anything “jumps out at you”.

Attend a club meeting and get a feel for what this group is like. Be looking for a universal problem that needs to be solved, a common desire among members, and even a common enemy.  Again, ask the question, “what do these people want more than anything?”

Once you’ve identified a good market that meets our “must have” three criteria, it’s time to see if they are easily reachable on the internet.

Fortunately, this is really, really easy.

Discovering your market’s “Internet home”.

Once you have an idea for a good market, it’s time to see if they’re easily reached on the Internet. After all, if your market isn’t easy to reach then you’ll have a hard time getting them to your web site and getting them to buy from you.

Fortunately, you can find out in a matter of minutes. Here are two of  my favorite methods:

1: Mediafinder.com

Mediafinder.com is an awesome resource that lets you see if your market has any targeted newsletters and magazines that are published offline.

This is important to know because if your market has offline magazines published for it, you know that it’s at least worth looking at.

The reason why is that is costs a considerable amount of money to publish, print, and mail offline magazines and newsletters.

And believe me when I tell you that a publisher isn’t going to do the work unless the readers of that magazine are providing him with a profit by either buying the magazine, buying what’s being advertised in the magazine, or both.

Also, Mediafinder.com lets you take the whole “browse your local bookstore to find niche market publications” technique one step further.

Media finder will show you targeted publications that might not be in your local bookstore. In showman’s words, it’ll let you see little hungry markets that are “invisible to the naked eye”.

Once you find the publications in Mediafinder.com, you can then visit their web sites and see what they’re all about.

The video for this section shows you exactly how this process happens in a matter of minutes.

2.   Goodkeywords.com

Good Key Words is probably one of the most helpful “Market Finding Tool” out there.

It allows you to find out exactly how many people are looking for certain information on the Internet…in a matter of seconds.

This is really helpful to you because it lets you know what your market is specifically searching for.

So now all you have to do is give them what they’re looking for!

For example, let’s say you’re thinking that parrot owners might be a good market to sell to.

All you’d have to do is ask Good Key Words if anybody is searching for information on Parrots online.

About 2 seconds after asking, you would see that 59,467 people searched for the word “parrots” last month. (This number changes every month and is always updated.)

So, now you know that people who love parrots are looking for parrot related information on the Internet.

If you only had a few hundred people searching for the word “parrots” every month then you should change your market. But 59,467 people is a good market.

It’ll also help you find ripe markets at the press of a button.

In the video for GoodKeyWords, we discover more about the hot market we uncovered in the previous videos and I show you exactly how a friend of mine located a market and came up with a product idea in fifteen minutes.

So I’ve armed you with some really useful tools to help you hunt down your ideal market.

These tools will show you where to find countless “pockets” of eager buyers…ready to give you money in exchange for a good info product.

But there’s still a catch. You still need to know exactly what kind of an info product they want to buy before you go create something.

Fortunately, this is pretty simple J

Becoming an “Internet Psychic”: How to find out exactly what your market wants to buy long before you make a product.

There’s no doubt about it: You have to know what your market wants to buy way before you make your product.

This way, all you have to do is give it to them. So let’s talk about exactly how you can do this.
You should already have a pretty good idea of what your market is into after watching the videos I’ve created for you and following their instructions…but there’s still one more step to help you make absolutely sure you know what they want.

It’s a “sneaky” little trick known as eavesdropping and we’ve all been doing it since we were kids J

The easiest way to eavesdrop on your market is to listen in to their newsgroup conversations.

Are you familiar with newsgroups? A newsgroup is similar to a chat room but not as fast paced. It’s a place where people post questions about a certain topic…and other people come and answer them.

Each question is indexed and so are the responses. You can read questions and responses that go back for months and sometimes for years.

So when you go “eavesdropping” in a newsgroup it’s almost like being a fly on the wall in your target market’s living room.

You get to browse through every conversation they’ve ever had amongst themselves.

But it gets even better because you can actually search through the whole “pile” of conversations and look for discussions on certain topics.

For example, if you were “listening in” on a newsgroup that was dedicated to Porsche automobiles, you could search for discussions dedicated only to vintage 911 models.

The video for this section (see link above) follows our investigation on the Model Railroad market and shows you how to find out exactly what these folks are looking for.

Three Types Of Info Products You Can Create In A Flash

The great thing about information products…especially downloadable information products…is that they’re really easy to create.

In fact, if you can talk, you can get your product created.

Here are the three main types of information products that you can create quickly:

1.    Ebooks.

2.    Downloadable Audios
3.    Screencam Videos

Right now, the number one selling type of Internet Info product is the Ebook.

People buy these things in droves and the topics can be about anything.

Take a look at some of the Ebook titles I just found online in less than 1 minute by searching the “General Interest” section at http://www.ebookdirectory.com:

About  DVD                                                                                               Rate it | Review It (1)
DVD technical details: interactive features, Dolby Digital, Dolby Surround, Dolby Pro Logic, DTS stuff and more... copy DVD on CD-R
Votes: 1 | Rating: 10.00

Hermit's Ebook of Funny  Lists II                                                             Rate it | Review It
50 more funny lists, including Things to do in a Lift; 19 Ways to annoy your Public Bathroom Stallmate; Complaints to Council, Mis-translations from Around the World; many more! Free eBook.
Votes: 1 | Rating: 10.00

Islamic Calligraphy &  Clip Art                                                                  Rate it | Review It
Beautiful Islamic calligraphy images.
Votes: 1 | Rating: 10.00

Lesbian Relationships: A Collection of Articles about Lesbian Relationships

Rate it | Review It

A collection of articles about lesbian relationships by psychotherapist, Kali Munro, M.Ed.
Votes: 1 | Rating: 10.00

Real English Workshop                                                                             Rate it | Review It
A book of exercises on conversation and grammar for the student of English as a foreign or second language.
Votes: 1 | Rating: 10.00

Second Place of  Birth: Nevis                                                                    Rate it | Review It
Eight days in the jungle without water and food
Date: 2002-6-14 | http://tomazic.info/book.htm
Votes: 6 | Rating: 10.00

UFO  - Secrets Revealed                                                                             Rate it | Review It
Size 878K
Votes: 1 | Rating: 10.00

B$ WARNING: Debt Consolidation Will Destroy Your Life!

Rate it | Review It (1)

Date: 2002-10-11 | http://www.freeBSbooks.com
Votes: 4 | Rating: 9.25

Honorary Doctors - An  International Elite                                            Rate it | Review It
List of International Achievers - and information on how to obtain an Honorary Doctorate from Cosmopolitan University
Votes: 2 | Rating: 9.00

Credit Card &  Finance Secrets                                                                 Rate it | Review It
Explains how the real world credit system works and how you can use it to your maximum benefit to obtain the credit cards and finance you want.
Votes: 2 | Rating: 8.50

…And that’s just one minute’s worth of searching! But this gives you an idea of what’s out there.

The great thing about selling an Ebook is that you’ll have very little customer service issues to deal with. After all, how hard is it to read a book?

Ebooks are easy to use and if you use Adobe’s Acrobat software, your Ebook can be opened on any computer.

And if you’re worried about what you’re going to put in your Ebook…stop J

I’ll show you how to get an expert to do all of your work for you in a later section. Let’s move on now to the second type of downloadable info product you can create quickly:

Downloadable Audios

Downloadable audios are becoming more and more popular for several reasons.

For one, you don’t have to read anything…you can just listen along at your computer while you’re surfing the web or whatever.

Another reason they’re becoming popular is because in some markets, folks are seeing Ebook offers all the time...so an audio product really stands out.

The “How-To-Make-Money” market is one example where having an audio product really gets you noticed.

Now, I don’t want you to be intimidated by the thought of creating downloadable audio products, getting them in the correct digital format, and putting them up on the Internet.

Granted, there’s a pretty good bit of “technical know how” involved in that whole process…but the good news is that you can

get someone else to handle it all for you quickly, easily, and inexpensively.

And by the way, if you’re thinking that your audio product needs to be “professional” sounding and read by a radio DJ or something, think again. Your customers will appreciate a product created in a “real person’s” voice.  It conveys humanization and sincerity.

Now let’s talk about the third type of Info product you can create:

Downloadable Videos

I’ve made a pile of money with downloadable videos and as of the time that I’m writing this course for you, very few people are actually out there selling them. (Well, except for porn people.
They sell a ton of them but that’s not the kind of business I want to get you into.)

When I say “Downloadable Videos”, I mean downloadable screencam videos like the ones that you have with this course.

I’m not talking about actual movie style videos where you have to get dressed up and stand nervously in front of the camera.

Screencam videos let you simply talk into a microphone and let your viewers watch what you’re doing on your computer.

The great thing about screencam videos is that your customers will absolutely love them and they’ll actually use your information more often than any other form of downloadable product.

The reason is that most people learn visually…by watching…rather than by reading or listening.

The software I use to create my videos is called Camtasia. You can get a free trial copy here.

As a matter of fact, you can even watch videos that show you how to use Camtasia here.

In my opinion, downloadable screencam videos are the fastest and most profitable products you can make. They have a much higher perceived value to your customers, and you don’t have to spend all day typing J

Here are just a few of the thousands of topics that you can make screencam videos for:

·       How to use Windows

·       How to use Microsoft Office

·       How to Use Paint Shop Pro
·       How to use Photoshop

·       How to get an email account with Hotmail or Yahoo

·       How to use AOL

·       How to use Internet Explorer

·       How to find hidden viruses on your PC

·       How to use accounting software like Quicken or Quickbooks

·       How to play certain video games (such as hidden cheat codes, secret levels, and so forth)

·       How to use one of the 1,000’s of free software applications that people are downloading every day…

Like I said, these are just a few things you can make screencam videos for.  The list goes on and on forever.

Still want more ideas? Try this:
Head on over to http://www.download.com and look for the “most popular” section over on the left.

Click on “most popular” and you’ll get a list of all of the most popular downloads.  Here’s what it looks like:

KaZaA  Media Desktop popular                                  1    41   2,788,774

Search, download, and interact with a variety of files with this P2P file-transfer application.
OS: Windows  95/98/NT/2000/XP   License: Free

ICQ Lite popular
2    Communicate instantly using a simple version of this popular chat client.
OS: Windows  (all)  License: Free

2    18     628,672

WinZip popular pick
3    Handle ZIP files with ease with this popular utility.
OS: Windows  95/98/NT/2000/XP   License: Free to

3    330  557,896

Click to buy

iMesh popular
4    Find, download, and share MP3s, image files, and more.
OS: Windows  (all)  License: Free

4    146  464,260

Ad-aware popular new
5    Scan your system for ad-supported software components and remove them.

7    12     452,482

These are just the top five. Notice that the most popular at the time had over TWO MILLION downloads for the week (that’s the number in the far left column.) And I’m writing this on a Wednesday!

So…you can simply browse this list and make a how-to screencam video tutorial for any of these programs.

As you can see, with screencam videos, the possibilities are really endless.

How To Get Your Info Product Created Quickly And Inexpensively

Yes. It is intimidating to think about creating an information product from scratch.  Especially if you’ve never written anything

outside of school, or if you’re not an “expert” in the topic that your product covers.

And even if you are a good writer and you are an expert on the topic that your product covers, you still might not have the time to get your product made. Or you may not feel like it for whatever reason.

Well, don’t let this get you down. There are several really easy ways to get a product made in a hurry.

Here are a few. Let’s start with getting an Ebook made:

1.    Record yourself talking and then have the recording transcribed.

Sound like a no-brainer? It is. I’ve used this method myself on more than one occasion and the results have always been great. Here’s why this is a good method to use:

·       Staring at a blank piece of paper waiting to be written on is intimidating….but simply talking about a topic is easy. We do it every day.
·       For most people, it’s faster to talk than it is to write.

·       When you talk, you’re (I hope) being casual and conversational. Your readers appreciate this…no one wants to read some stuffy text book style material all day.
·       When you talk into a tape recorded, you can just sort of let your mind flow. You don’t have to worry about grammar or punctuation or page layout. And you can edit the actual content after your recording has been transcribed.

So this is by far the easiest way for you to get started. All you’ll need is a regular tape recorder that you get your local Radio Shack.

Once your recording is finished, you just need to get the tape transcribed. The easiest way to do this is to simply call a temporary employment agency and tell them you need someone to transcribe a tape for you.

Have them put the transcription in a Microsoft Word document or something similar (so you can edit it later).

Expect to pay about $50.00 for a one hour tape. Here’s another way to get it done.
Go to http://www.google.com and search for “transcription services”.  You’ll get a ton of results.

The first site I found after about 7 seconds of searching was http://www.asaptranscripts.com . They promise same day service for some projects.

So getting your tape transcribed is easy.

Once you get your tape transcribed, all you have to do is edit the transcription for clarity and you’re just about ready to go.

Your final step is to convert your edited transcript into a downloadable ebook.

Here are a few ways to do this:

1: Use Adobe Acrobat. This will turn your Word file (or a similar file) into a .pdf document.

Just about every computer on the face of the earth can read .pdf documents so I recommend that you go this route.

Adobe Acrobat is an expensive program, but fortunately you can make a .pdf ebook without having to buy it J

The best way to do this is to use Adobe’s PDF Online Service here: https://createpdf.adobe.com.

At this site, you can sign up for a trial account of their $9.99 per month service which allows you to make .pdf documents through a web based interface.

The free trial gives you 5 “sessions” with their service so you can make 5 different ebooks for free.  Not bad!

So creating your Ebook using the “tape recorder” method really only involves four simple steps:

1.    Talk about your topic into a tape recorder.

2.    Get the recording transcribed and put into a Microsoft Word document or something similar.
3.    Edit the transcription for clarity.
4. Turn your finished product into an Ebook using Adobe’s PDF service.

If you think about it, all you really have to do is talk, edit, and press a few buttons.

And to think that some people say this is hard J

But what do you do if you’re not an expert on the topic you’re creating a product for?

Not to worry…I’ve got you covered. Here are two ways that you can get a product made by using someone else’s expertise:

1.    Interview an expert, record the interview, and turn the recording into a downloadable audio file, an Ebook (transcription), or both.

This is possibly the easiest way to get your product created. Think about it. You don’t even really have to do anything but ask questions and sit back as your expert does all the real “work” for you.

Let me give you a real life example of exactly how easy it is to come up with ideas for this kind of product.

One night my wife and I were having dinner with some friends of ours who are medical doctors.

I love to talk to doctors about medicine so I started asking them about various things I had heard about lately.

The conversation eventually turned to a particular disease that was giving my Grandfather quite a bit of trouble: Shingles.

Now I don’t know if you’ve ever had Shingles or if you know anyone who has, but let me tell you…it’s horrible.

Shingles ends up causing severe pain in affected areas if you don’t catch it in time (my Grandfather didn’t catch it in time) and it can take months to heal.  In some cases, people have

the disease for more than a year. That’s a year of constant pain.

Anyway, I explained to my friend that my Grandfather was suffering from Shingles and that I was really concerned since he was in such pain all the time.

It seemed like nothing was helping him. Here’s what the doctor told me:
“Frank, I’m not surprised…Shingles pain is unresponsive to traditional pain management therapies.”

“As a matter of fact, some older Shingles patients become suicidal as a result.”

I think you can imagine how I felt then. It looked like there was no hope for my Grandfather other than to “tough it out”.

(Fortunately, he’s about as tough as they come but still…)

So by now you’re probably saying, “Hey, thanks for the depressing story Frank but what’s this got to do with anything?”

Here’s what:

Shingles patients are a prime example of a group of people who are extremely passionate about a certain topic. In this case it’s ending their pain!

My Grandfather, Mother, Grandmother, and I all became rabid members of the “end Shingles pain” market.  We spent

hours online researching the topic and we eventually found a combination of therapies that actually eased the pain.

It was a combination of Acupuncture and a topical balm made of Emu oil.

Yes, Emu oil. So…here’s the point.
We would have gladly paid for information that could help my Grandfather….and we weren’t alone.

According to Good Key Words, 91,325 people search for the term “shingles” online every month.

(See the Good Key Words video in the previous section to learn how to use this program.)

·       4223 search for “Shingles symptom”.

·       3361 search for “shingles virus”
·       2991 search for “treatment of shingles”

…and on and on.

So, what we have here is a pretty good little market and a great opportunity to help people. (Good combination, don’t you think?)

But we have a problem. I’m not a doctor and I’m certainly not qualified to give medical advice.

So how do I get the product made?

Simple. I interview a Doctor, record the conversation, have it transcribed…and BAM! I have a product that a targeted group of people really want.

So, the question becomes “How do you get a doctor to agree to be interviewed for your product?”

It’s easy. You just ask them.  Hey-the worst that can happen is that they say “no”.  If they do, you just find another doctor.

If I were going to create that particular product, I would interview a Medical doctor, an Acupuncturist, an Herbalist, and a Massage Therapist.

The product would provide different solutions from four different “schools of medical thought” so there would be something for everybody.

The great thing is that you never actually have to get in the same room with any of the people you’re interviewing.

You do it on the phone.

In fact, there are services out there that will record your call, put the recording in a downloadable format for you, and even transcribe it for you and put the transcribed file in an ebook format!

Guess how much they charge. About 100 bucks. You don’t lift a finger.

In the example of the Shingles product, you could even get all of your experts on a conference call (the same companies I just talked about do this) and record them all at once. You

could literally have your product recorded, transcribed, and put into downloadable format in 24 hours.

The company I use is http://www.voicetext.com

They’re really efficient, polite, and inexpensive.

(Side note: If you want to get an audio product created and “digitized” for downloadable use, use Voicetext.com. You just call in on a special number they give you and start talking. Your voice will be recorded and they will email you the recording in any downloadable format you want!)

And don’t worry about having to “convince” an expert to do your interview. Listen…most folks will jump at the chance to be “immortalized in print”.

So, what other product ideas can you come up with that would fit the “interview an expert” format?

Here’s one success story:

A friend of mine named Alex Sampson used this same technique to create his hot selling product, Grilling The Net Gurus.

You can see it here:


Alex decided that he wanted to offer a product to the “How To Make Money Online” market but he wasn’t a recognized authority on the subject…yet.

So, what he did was get in touch with a group of well known and successful Internet marketers and ask for an Interview.

He made it clear that he’s be publishing the Interview for profit on the Internet.

The end result?

A winning product that launched Alex’s career.

And here’s the best part: Alex lives in Trinidad! He had never met any of the “marketing gurus” that he interviewed. He did it all over the telephone!

There are thousands of topics that you could cover with this formula. Here are a few:

Diet tips Parenting Stop smoking

Self improvement (this has a ton of “sub categories”) Marriage counseling (take a look at http://www.stopyourdivorce.com. This site was done using the same formula.)
Salesmanship Pet training Investing Real Estate
Money management

…and on and on and on!

So, the “interview an expert” method is a great one…and you can see that it works.

But there’s still one more way you can go. This is the way to go if you don’t want to do a lick of work.

2: Hire someone else to handle everything!

I’ve used this method on a number of occasions and have had great results.

If you have a product idea and you don’t want to create it yourself and you don’t want to do an interview then this is the way to go.

You can use this method to get books written, get audio files created, get screencam videos made, and even get software developed!

But it’s not as daunting as you might think. (Perhaps you’re wondering where you can possibly find someone qualified to write your Ebook or make your video.)

There are several web sites that are dedicated solely to helping you find people that will do work for you.

The great thing about these sites is that you’ll end up with a group of people practically fighting each other over the privilege to work for you.

And most of them have been checked out by a third party and thoroughly “screened” in advance.

You can even read reviews of their work by other people who have used them and get access to samples as well.

My favorite site to find people to work for me is


In fact, I’ve had 2 products created by people I hired off of Elance and they’re both selling quite well.

Here they are:


Getting set up on Elance is fast and easy.  The best part is that you’re never obligated to do anything. You don’t have to hire anyone if you don’t want to…for whatever reason!

How To Make Your New Info Product


Once your product has been created, it’s time to make it downloadable so your customers can get access to it without you having to do anything.

Fortunately, this is really easy and it only really involves two steps:

1.   Getting your product in downloadable format.

2.   Putting it on the web and making it accessible.

Let’s talk about step one first and how it relates to the most common form of  Internet info products, the Ebook.

When you get your finished version of your Ebook ready for sale, it’ll most likely be in a Microsoft Word Doc. Format or something similar. So the first thing you’ll want to do is get it into a downloadable format.

Earlier in this course, I showed you how to convert your product into an Adobe .pdf file. This is how I advise you to proceed.

However, if you want to get fancy, you can use an Ebook compiler. My favorite one is Armand Morin’s Ebook Generator.  You can check it out by clicking here.

Either way to choose, you need to get your Ebook formatted correctly.

So, let’s assume you’ve converted your Word document or similar file into an Adobe .pdf file. (See the video in the previous section to see exactly how to do this.)

Your Ebook file name will be now be something like yourtitle.pdf instead of yourtitle.doc.

The yourtitle.pdf is the file that your customers will download.

So, that’s what you’ll want to put on the web.

If you use an Ebook compiler like Ebook Generator, your Ebook file will look something like this:


In this case, that’s the file that you want to put on the web.

Now if you don’t have a web site and you’re in the dark about putting files on the web, don’t worry. I’ll show you exactly how to do it in an upcoming section. For now let’s continue by making sure that your product is in the correct format.

Let’s say you’ve made an audio product and you want to make it downloadable.

There are several ways to listen to downloadable audio products. The most popular are by using Real Player and Windows Media Player. Let’s go over how to get your audio product made into Real Player or Windows Media Player format:

Let’s start by assuming that you created your audio product at home by using an ordinary tape recorder.

If this is the case, you’ll need to have the recording digitized. You can do this in two ways:
If you’re technically inclined, you can use an audio editing program such as Sound Forge to import the recording and put it in either Real Player format (.rm) or Windows Media Player format (.wmv)

To do this, all you need is a good sound card (most computers made in the last few years will have this) and an audio input cord.

You can get the cord at your local computer store for about

But let’s say that you’re not technically inclined. No worries. Here’s what you do:

Get someone else to do it.

I prefer this method J

Here’s how you do it:

Go to http://www.yahoo.com and search for “audio digitizing”.

You’ll find plenty of companies that will take your tape and convert it into a downloadable format for you.

I did some searching and the best looking deal I found was with http://www.videobookmark.com They’ll take your 60 minute tape and turn it into a downloadable file for $75.00.

They even offer a 48 hour turnaround service if you’re in a hurry!

It’s important that you get your file put in both Real Media format and Windows Media Player format. Just ask the folks who digitize it for you to take care of it.

Another way to get your audio product into digital format is to use a company like http://www.voicetext.com .

Instead of talking into a tape recorder when you create your product, you call into a special phone line that Voice Text provides and simply speak into the telephone.

Voice text will record it for you and they’ll even put the recording into digital format for you. Just ask them to put it in Real Media format for you and Windows Media Player format.

In most cases, they’ll have everything done for you by the same day.  Expect to pay around $100 or so for everything.

Now let’s talk about what to do if you create screencam videos.

Just like the audios, you need to make sure that they’re formatted in both Real Player and Windows Media Player format.

If you’re using Camtasia to make your videos, you can watch tutorial videos that show you exactly how to do this here:

http://www.techsmith.com/products/studio/quickstart/qui ckstart2.html

Now that you have your product in a downloadable format, it’s time to go live and put it on the Web!

How To Set Up Your High Profit Web Site

In order to have a web site, you’ll need the following:

1.A domain name.

2.A web hosting account. 3.FTP Software.
4.HTML Editing Software

Once you have these, we’re going to use the HTML editing software to make your High Profit Web Site.

Then we’re going to use your FTP software to upload it to your web hosting account.

Once it’s uploaded, we’ll type in your domain name and you’ll see your site on the Internet!

If this sounds complicated, don’t worry. I’m going to walk you through it all.  It’s actually pretty simple.

Let’s start with getting a domain name first.

How To Get A Domain Name

A domain name is simply yourname.com.

Here are a few rules to keep in mind when you select a domain name:

Make the name directly related to your product.  For example, I sell a video course that teaches people how to use Adobe Photoshop. I chose the domain name PhotoShopSecrets.com since it’s easy to remember and it conveys what the product is all about.

Always get the .com extension. Right now you’re probably hearing a lot of hype about new domain name extensions such as .biz, .info, and .tv. Ignore the hype.  Whenever anyone things of a web site, they always think in terms of dot com. Why make your customers change their browsing habits?

With these rules in mind, let’s go get your domain.

The company that I use to register my domains with is the same company that I use to host my web sites.

Their name is Pagematic and I’ve used them for years. I’ve gotten to know the owners personally during the time I’ve done business with them and have only good things to say about them.

The great thing about Pagematic is that they’ll handle the entire process of getting your domain set up and getting your hosting account set up “all in one whack”.

They also provide telephone support, which is nice.

When you get your domain name from one company and your hosting from another, you end up having to configure your domain to “point to” your hosting account and it can me a hassle.

With Pagematic, you don’t have to worry about it.

Another advantage of working with Pagematic is they’re cheap J

(By the way, when you get your domain set up with Pagematic, please tell them Frank Kern sent you. They give me a discount for referring friends.)

Of course, there are other options to using Pagematic. Just go to Google.com and type in “web host” and you’ll see pages and pages of companies you can choose from.

For the sake of simplicity, I’m going to walk you through the process of getting set up as if you’re using Pagematic.

Let’s begin:

The first thing you’ll want to do is to log onto Pagematic’s web site at http://www.pagematic.com

When you get there, you’ll notice that you have several different types of accounts to choose from.

For a basic web site, I recommend the cheapest plan which is the “Virtual Merchant” plan.

With this plan, your web site will end up costing you about 40 cents per day.

So, click on the “Virtual Merchant” link to get started. Here’s what you’ll see:

As you can tell, there are three options here to choose from.

Select the first option if you’ve already registered your domain name with another company.

Select the second option if you want to register your domain name through Pagematic and let them handle everything. A new window will appear where you can get your domain name through their domain registration company, Pre-Nic.

When you click on the second option, this is what you see:

You’ll want to click the button on the left that says, “Register”.

When you do, you’ll get this screen:

Simply type in your desired domain name in the required field and click the “Start Registration” button.

If your domain name is unavailable (as in someone else has already registered that name), you’ll be prompted to select another name.

Here’s what you’ll see once you’ve selected a domain name that’s available:

You’ll notice that you have the option to select the .com,.net, and .org extensions (assuming that they’re all available).

I always recommend that you try to get the .com extension. The rest is up to you.  If it’s within your budget, go ahead  and register the other extensions. If not, don’t lose sleep over it.

Once you click the “reserve now” button, you’ll be taken to this screen:

You simply select “new client” from the menu above and then choose a user name and password for your domain profile.

When you’re done, click “next.”

You’ll be taken to an order form where you enter your contact info and your credit card data.

It costs $19 to register a domain name for one year. Once you’ve completed your order, close the window.

You should see the Pagematic order selection page where you started from.

It looks like this:

At this point, you’ll want to select the top option where it says “Order Web Hosting for a Domain Name You’ve Already Registered”.

Here’s what you’ll see when you click that option:

As you can see, this is a typical online order form.

Just be sure to type in your newly registered domain name in the field where they6 ask for it.

Select “yes” where they ask if you want Front Page extensions. (This is in case you want to use Microsoft’s Front Page HTML editing software).

Also, please select “Frank Kern” from the drop down menu where they ask for a referrer. (Hey, every little bit helps J)

Once you submit your hosting order (remember, you don’t need anything fancy. Go with the least expensive package and you’ll have more ‘hosting power’ than you need) Pagematic will send you an email with your account details and your log in info.

This email is very important, so please save it in a place where you can easily get to it.

The reason it’s so important is because it will contain your log in info that allows you to access your account.

You’ll need this in order to transfer your web site from your computer to the Internet.

You make this transfer with FTP software.

If you’re not familiar with FTP software and you don’t have any, fear not.  I’m about to walk you through the process.
It’s pretty easy once someone shows you how to do it.

How To Get Free FTP Software

FTP software is the software that lets you take files (such as web pages) that are on your computer and put them on the Web.

Fortunately, it’s really easy to use.

The FTP software that I use is called WSFTP_LE 95 and it’s made by a company called ipswitch.com.

Let’s go ahead and pick up your copy now. Start by going to http://www.download.com
Here’s what you’ll see:

You’ll notice that there’s a search bar at the top right corner of the screen.

Type in “wsftp le” in the search bar and click the “search” button.

You’ll get a screen that looks something like this:

You’ll want to click the link that says “download now” and download the program.

Here’s what you’ll see:

Be sure to click the button that says “save”.

Once the program is downloaded, simply open the folder where you saved it, double click the program icon, and begin the installation process.

Installing WSFTP_LE only takes about a minute and it’s very self explanatory.

Once you have your FTP software installed, it’s time to get the final piece of your “Web Site Creation Puzzle”.

Getting Your Web Site Editing Software

Web editing software (also known as HTML editing software) has totally revolutionized the way web sites are created.

Now, thanks to web editing software, “regular people” like you and me can build great looking web sites without having to know a lick of computer code.

The software I like to use is Macromedia’s Dreamweaver software. In fact, almost every Internet marketer I know uses Dreamweaver.

Why? Because it’s the easiest to learn as you’re about to discover.

The first thing we’ll need to do to get you started with Dreamweaver is to get you a 30 day free trial version.

You can get it by going to http://www.macromedia.com and clicking the button that says “downloads”.

You’ll be taken to this page where you’ll want to select “try” in the download section for Dreamweaver…like so:

You’ll then be taken to a page where you select what operating system your computer uses like so:

You’ll notice at the bottom left of the page that you’re asked for a user name and password.

You’ll need to click the link at the bottom right of the page where you get registered with a user name and password. (Don’t worry, it’s free J)

Here’s what the link looks like:

You’ll be taken to a new screen where you simply answer a few questions about yourself. Once you submit these questions, you’ll be able to download the program.

The download and installation process is just like what you went through to get WSFTP_LE.

You just save the program to a folder on your computer. Once it’s downloaded, you open the folder where you saved

the program, double-click the program icon, and follow the installation process.

It takes about 2 minutes and only involves a few mouse clicks on your part.

So now you have all the tools that you need to create and publish a high profit web site.

Now it’s time to learn how to use them.

Creating A Web Site That Actually Sells

In this section, you’ll learn the basics of writing effective web copy that sells. The video will show you how to write a sales letter and how to build a one page mini site.

The video shows you how to use Macromedia’s Dreamweaver, which you can download here: http://www.macromedia.com for free on a 30 day trial basis.

The video also shows you how to use a web site and sales letter template that I’ve provided for you. You may download the template by clicking here.

Now let’s begin:

How To Make Your Website Pull In Orders

Here’s a lesson that took me a long time to learn (even though it’s pretty obvious):

Just because you get hits to your site, it doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed to actually sell anything.

In order to make money from your site, it has to do a good job of converting visitors into buyers.

Most web sites fail miserably in this category.

I use a pretty simple formula in order to make a site that gets people to buy. I call this web site formula the “One Page Wonder” system.

Here it is:

(direct response copy) + (order form) = MAXIMIZED PROFITS

Let me explain what this means by starting with “Direct Response Copy”:
Direct response copy needs to do these three things: Get the visitor’s attention.
Get the visitor to want your product and believe that it’s best to order NOW.
Get the ORDER.

Here’s how you do it in a nutshell:

First, your web site needs to be laid out like a direct response letter that you get in the mail (and I mean real mail…not email).

This means that your site primarily consists of one page to house the sales letter and an order page. If you want, you can have pop up windows.

What you don’t want is this:

Tons of graphics that you don’t need. Big logos.
Flashing and or scrolling text.

This is because selling from a web page is exactly like selling from a direct mail sales letter.

In fact, one of the marketers I study under once said that “The Internet is like direct mail…without the mail.”

Truer words were never spoken.

You see, some of the most compelling marketing in the world is done by direct mail.  And when you transfer the hard- hitting marketing strategies of the direct mail industry to a web page, it becomes “hyper effective”.

Especially if you put that web page in front of an ideal market that already wants what you’re selling.

So, in order to have a highly effective web site that sells, it needs to be a one page “mini site” with an order form.

The main page contains graphics only where absolutely necessary and it has a very good, hard hitting direct response sales letter. Just like one that you would get in the mail.

So here are the key elements of direct response sales letter copy. (Please know that we could really write volumes about how to create good sales copy. What I’m going to cover for you here is simply the basics.)

The first thing you need is a headline that grabs the reader’s attention.

I like to model my headlines after what I read on the cover of the National Enquirer.

Why? Because the headlines are what sells that little publication…and that “little publication” sells more copies every day than just about any other publication in the world.

So a good headline will make your reader stop in her tracks and say, “Man! I gotta check this out!”

Just like we stop in our tracks at the check out line and pick up the Enquirer after reading about the “Two Headed Space Elvis That Married His Own Sister”…or whatever outrageous headline they’re displaying this week.

I always make my headlines appeal to the reader’s emotions by writing in very conversational tones and making a big promise.

For example, on my Parrot web site, the headline reads,

Announcing A Jaw-Dropping Training Secret That Will Have Your Parrot Talking Up A Storm In Less Than 30 Days - Guaranteed!

Notice how it’s “Enquirer Like” and how it uses easy conversation language like “talking up a storm” and “jaw dropping”.

Also notice the big promise.

Here’s the one for my Photoshop site:

"Master Photoshop TODAY -- In Under 2 Hours -- Without Cracking A Book...Guaranteed!"

Again, notice the conversational tone “without cracking a book” and the big promise “master photoshop in under 2 hours’.

If I were selling diet pills (assuming they worked) I’d write a headline like this:

“Finally, A Surefire Way To Melt Off 33 Pounds In 21 Days Or Less Without Starving Yourself Silly!”

So, once you have your headline down, it’s time to move on to your actual sales letter.

Here’s what your sales letter should be designed to do:


Not to entertain.

Not to make you look good.

Not to be funny.

It’s sole mission is to get you money.

You do this by writing a letter that appeals to your readers


This is contrary to the way that most of us learn to write. Here’s an example:
Let’s say we’re selling Porsche 911 Twin Turbos. Most folks would say something like this:

“150 years of automotive heritage have perfected Porsche’s ability to produce an automobile that is both responsive on the road and appealing to the eye”.

That’s pure garbage that’ll only leave you with a light wallet.

Here’s what we’d say if we actually wanted to sell the Porsches:

“Touch the gas pedal and the 911 Turbo launches down the road like a super-charged rocket. It’s no wonder everybody wants this car. And wait’ll you see the looks you get when you pull up to the party in your new 911. Let’s just say that you’ll never have to ask for a girl’s number again…”


It sells.

In the example above we appeal to a man’s desire to stand out by having an awesome car. And we refer to the common belief that a cool car will make women more attracted to men.

See, very few people care about the manufacturer’s heritage. They want to know what having the car will do for them.
It’s the same way with our products. Our readers don’t care about how hard we worked to create the product. All they want to know is the answer to this question:

“What’s in it for me?”

Do a good job answering that one and you’ll see orders coming in every hour.

The way we answer this question is to convey benefits.

Not features. BENEFITS. As in how your customer will benefit once they make the intelligent decision to order your product.

I do this by discovering what end result my prospects want and then talking about it in the letter.

With my parrot site, my prospects want a talking parrot. But what is the end result that the talking parrot gets them?

It’s the admiration they get from their friends.

It’s the enhanced enjoyment they get from their parrot. In other words, it’s much more than just a talking bird.

When a diet ad really works, it’s almost always a result of getting the reader to imagine what life would be after they used the diet product.

Think about it. Why do people want to lose weight? It’s so they can:

Be attractive to the opposite sex. Be admired by others.

Feel better.

It’s not so they can see a new number on the scale.

So the winning diet ad is the one that does an effective job of conveying the benefit of the product by showing people the end result of using that product.

Here’s another one:

Let’s look at “make more money” ads.

Why do we want more money? Is it so we can see a different number on our bank balance? Is it so we can have more little pieces of green paper stuffed under our mattresses?  Is it so we can pay more income tax?


We want the end result that having more money will bring us. Things like:

More free time. Impressing others.

Telling our boss to take a hike.

So when you’re writing the benefits of your product, do it with the END RESULT in mind.

When you convince people to believe that they’ll get their desired end result by using your product, you’ll make sales. Just make sure that you live up to your promises.

A great way to convey benefits is to use bullet points. Bullet points,
·       Draw the reader’s eye to the words so they’ll read what you’re telling them.
·       Are widely used by marketers as an effective way to convey benefits.
·       Are read by people who just “scan” your site so you can still present your case.

They’re a great way to list your benefits in a quick and “user friendly” manner.

And you should use as many of them as you want. I’ve seen sales letters with several pages of bullet points.

Remember, if someone is interested in your product they’ll read every bullet point you offer.

Another key aspect of your sales letter is the call to action. In other words ask for the order.
In fact, really ask for the order.

Tell you prospect why they should order. Let them know why they’ll benefit from ordering right now. Use bribes if you have to.

For example, “If you order by the end of the week, I’ll throw in these three extra bonuses for free!”

A shameless bribe never hurt anybody in terms of making sales. Remember, they need a reason to order right away.

Here are some reasons why your prospects should order now:

·       Free bonus
·       Avoid paying more
·       Limited supply
·       You’re trying to meet a goal so you’ve lowered the price. It’ll go up as soon as you sell X number of units or by X date…which ever comes first.
·       You’re not sure how much longer you’ll be allowed to give away the free bonuses.

Rarely will our prospects do something just because we tell them to.  You should always provide a reason why.

Another thing your letter needs to do is to eliminate risk. We do this by using guarantees.

The best thing you can do is to take the risk away from your prospect and place it squarely on your own shoulders.

You do this by stating something like:

“This product is 100% guaranteed. If you are unsatisfied for any reason at all (or for no reason whatsoever) simply tell me and I’ll immediately give you a refund with no questions asked.  And to further ‘sweeten the pot’, you can still keep the 3 free bonuses as my gift, even if you decide to return the product.”

This type of guarantee gives your prospect a “no lose” situation. The worst thing that can happen is that he gets three free bonuses and 100% of his money back.

And here’s a little hint:

The longer your guarantee, the more sales you’ll get.

A 2 month guarantee will make more sales than a 1 month guarantee.

A one year guarantee will make more sales than a 6 month guarantee.

A life time 100% money back guarantee will make more sales than any other guarantee.

Don’t be afraid to offer a “crazy guarantee”. If your product is good and you deliver on your promises, you’ll end up making more sales and getting fewer refunds.

So that’s “Sales Letter Writing 101” in a nutshell. Here are your key components:

·       Make your web site simple and avoid “order killing” mistakes like unneeded graphics, flashing or scrolling text, and big useless logos.

·       Your site should basically be a one page sales letter (it can be long…an interested reader will scroll down and keep reading) and an order form.

Your sales letter should:

·       Get the reader’s attention and keep him on the page (get attention with your headline).

·       Make the reader want your product by showing all of the benefits it will give him.

·       Ask the reader to order.

·       Give him a good reason why he must order right now.

·       Take away all of your prospects perceived risk so his purchase will be a no lose situation.

Please take a minute to watch the video I’ve provided for you with this section. It will walk you step-by-step through the process of creating a high profit web site and show you exactly how to implement the strategies you’ve just learned.

Once you’ve completed the steps in the video, you should have a minisite of your own saved in a special folder on your computer.

Now it’s time to go live!

Publishing Your Web Site To The Internet

At this point, you should have your own minisite saved in a special folder on your computer.

The web site template I provided is easily edited and is already set up in the classic minisite format.

So, if you haven’t done so already, watch the previous video and use that template to create your own site.

Once your site is saved, all that’s left for you to do is publish it to the Internet.

You do this by using FTP software such as the WSFTP_LE software I showed you how to get in the previous section.

When you open your FTP software, you’ll see this:

Notice the fields that I’ve circled in red.

These fields need to be filled in with the information you receive from your web host.

If you’ve set up your domain name and hosting account with Pagematic, you will have received all of this information in a set-up email that they send you as soon as you register with them.

I’ll go over what the fields mean:

HostName/Address: This is either your web site address (yourname.com) or your IP address (your IP address is

assigned to you by your host and will be given in your set up email.

User ID: This is your user ID to log in to your web site hosting account.

Password: This is your password. If you set up your account with Pagematic, all of this info is in your set up email. Look for it in section 7.

Fill in these fields with the required info, click the box that says “save password” and then click “OK”.

If you’ve entered everything correctly, your FTP software will now connect to your website hosting account and log in for you.

You’ll see something like this:

The left hand side shows files that are on your computer. The right hand side shows your web hosting account.

When you publish your web site to the Internet using FTP software, all you’re really doing is moving files from the left hand window to the right hand window.

If your account is set up through Pagematic, you’ll want to put all of your web site files in the folder on the right called “public_html”.

It’s the folder that I’ve circled in red. To open this folder, simply double click it.

Here’s what you’ll see:

This folder will most likely contain nothing but another folder called “cgi-bin”.

If it does have a few extra files in it, this is OK.

Your next step is to locate the folder on your computer where you saved your finished copy of your minisite.

Once you locate the folder, simply transfer all of its contents to the public_html folder on your web site.

Here’s how you do it.

First, you use the navigation arrows on the left hand side of your FTP software to find the folder on your computer where you’ve saved your minisite.

Once you find the folder that contains your minisite, you’ll want to transfer the contents of that folder from your computer to your web account.

You do this by highlighting each file in the Ministie folder on your computer by clicking it one and then clicking the arrow that points to the right.

Here’s what this looks like:

After you press the right facing arrow, your file that was highlighted will also appear on the right hand side of the screen. Congratulations! You just uploaded a file to your web site.

Repeat this process with the entire contents of your folder.

When you’re done, type in your domain name or your IP address into your web browser. If you followed all of the steps correctly, you’ll see your web site appear. Now it’s time to bring in the buyers!

How To Get Targeted Traffic To Your Web Site In As Little As 17 Minutes.

There are hundreds of ways to get targeted traffic to your web site.

You can:

·       Do joint ventures with other web masters.
·       Run banner ads campaigns.
·       Place classifieds
·       Advertise in Ezines.
·       Publish articles with links to your sites in them.
·       Run pop up campaigns.
·       And many more.

All of these methods work. Some work better than others.
One of the fastest and most effective ways to drive traffic to your web site is to use search engines.

Search engines used to be very complicated and difficult to figure out. You practically had to have some sort of “magical power” just to get a high ranking.

And you still do…unless you use the secret weapon that is Pay Per Click advertising.

Pay Per Click advertising allows you to bid for your position in the search engines.

For example, let’s say you bid to be #1 on a Pay Per Click network under the term “parrot”.

Let’s say that you bid 10 cents and yours is the highest bid.

Well, since your bid is the highest, you’re now #1 under the search term “parrot”.

So any time someone types in the word “parrot” on any search engine in the Pay Per Click network, they’ll see your site right up there in the #1 position.

If (and ONLY if) they actually click on your site and go to your web page you’ll pay 10 cents.

Again, the only way you’ll ever pay is if someone actually searches for the word “parrot”, sees your listing, and then clicks the link to go to your site.

Here’s the best part:

You can use this method to be #1 on the biggest search engines in the world such as Yahoo.com!

The Pay Per Click method will guarantee you highly targeted, highly motivated visitors.

And the best part is that you can be in the #1 position in about 5 days. (It only takes a few minutes on your part…the rest of the time is due to the Pay Per Click network getting everything set up for you.)

But what if you want to be in the search engines even faster? Now there’s a way.  It’s called Google Ad Words.

With Google Ad words, you pay per click when someone clicks on your banner ad under a certain search term at Google.com.

Since Google.com is the most widely used search engine in the world, this little method can bring you a truckload of traffic…and the best part is that you can be listed in about 15 minutes.

The Google Ad Words method works just like regular Pay Per click networks with the exception that your site is presented in banner ad format rather than being presented with the actual search listings.

Now that you have traffic coming in, you need to make sure that you monitor your results very carefully.

Ideally, you want to make at least 2 sales for every 100 visitors that come to your web site from Google or from Pay Per Click networks.

In marketing, keeping accurate records of your results is the key to getting rich!

But first, you have to get started…so good luck! Now go out there and make something happen J

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